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Marine Yacht Systems

provides high-quality, customized marine installation service to get you back on the water quickly and safely with the solution best suited for your yacht.

We are a licensed and insured marine electronics solutions provider based in Orange County, California with extensive experience with marine technology, protocols and marine equipment installations. Our founder and lead technician, Chad Paulson, is a yacht owner himself and understands the importance of being able to trust any technician who steps aboard your yacht. Whether your boat is new or used, power or sail, dockside, boatyard or moored, we can assist you with your custom marine electronics needs.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1522992290123{border-radius: 15px !important;}”]

Founder & Lead Technician

Chad Paulson is the founder and lead technician for Marine Yacht Systems. Always enjoying work with his hands, Chad’s career as a marine technician is not just a job, it’s a passion. He sees each project as a unique opportunity to problem-solve and provide perfection. Thanks to his father’s career as an aircraft mechanic, Chad has a background in aviation and his familiarity around electronics and tools runs deep. This has developed into a love and extensive understanding for yachts in the years since. Being a yacht owner himself, Chad understands the importance of being able to trust any technician who steps aboard your yacht and hopes that as you learn more about us, Marine Yacht Systems is who you choose to trust for your marine installation and electrical work.

Servicing Yachts Along the Southern California Coast

Los Angeles County | Orange County | San Diego County

Based in Newport Beach, California

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See What Others Say

Read Keith B.‘s review of Marine Yacht Systems on Yelp

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